Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Rhetoric of Hate | Teaching Tolerance

The Rhetoric of Hate | Teaching Tolerance

EL Camino Real Charter High School Spreads Anti-White Hate To Students:

by newscaster, 03/29/15 2:35 PMStaff Not Held Accountable!

On the 24th of February Breitbart California published an article by California State Assemblyman Tim Donnelly exposing the staff of El Camino Real Charter High School of Woodland Hills, California for distributing an anti-White document to students which stated…

WHY A WHITE SPACE? For many, it sounds contradictory: Isn’t it racist if just white people get together? Isn’t that segregation? The following are our reasons for meeting as a white anti-racist affinity group:

1. People of color shouldn’t always have to be the ones to educate white people about racism and oppression. We are taking responsibility for learning about our own white privilege and how to challenge it as white people.

2. In order to challenge racism and dismantle white supremacy, white people need to unlearn racism and discover the ways we enact white privilege. …

3. A commitment to anti-racist identity and practice as a white person can sometimes mean increased alienation and conflict in our lives, especially with other white friends and family who disagree with us. …

4. It’s a space for white people to figure out what it means to be anti-racist white person and challenge racism in all areas of our lives. …

5. It’s a place where white people can begin to build a new culture of white anti-racism, and learn the skills needed to transform the larger white community.

6. White affinity groups are a supplement to, not a replacement for, multi-racial dialogues and activism between white people and people of color. …

7. A white space serves as a resource to people of color who want to work with white people but don’t want to spend all their energy dealing with the racism of white people.

This is a direct violation of 8 California state laws that we have found so far: 200 ET SEQ 220, 233, 233.5, 51501, 60044, and 66030

Find out more:


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