Tuesday, February 19, 2013


FACT: The Anti-White SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER is not set up to Notice "BLACK on WHITE CRIME"
An epidemic of black-on-white racial violence has swept across the United States, with cases so numerous they sometimes are not even reported.
But what has been confirmed is startling, with reports that people are taking to arming themselves for protection from the rampaging black mobs and a black blogger putting the question out there: Why don’t blacks behave?
The violence has stretched from affluent neighborhoods all across the states.
In Chicago, it’s even been called a race war.
Now a number of influential black leaders are sounding off on the epidemic.
Jesse Lee Peterson, syndicated talk-show host stated:
“I’ve been saying for years that white Americans need to get over their fear of being called racists. They need to get over this false guilt about what’s wrong with black people. Most black people are suffering not from racism from white folks but from lack of moral character.
“Black people have been encouraged to hate whites and to discriminate against them from the so-called civil rights leaders. And that is evil. The evil will get worse from generation to generation if you don’t deal with it.
“White Americans do not understand what they are doing about allowing this to happen. Generation to generation of black people had been trained or encouraged to hate white folks, and these kids are growing up without good parents in their homes and they’re angry about that. And they are taking it out on white folks because they had been told that it is white racism that is holding them back and it is absolutely not true.
“But it is out of control. In my speeches that I give around the country, I encourage white people to get over that fear. When I asked white people if they are afraid of being called racist when it come to dealing with black people, most of the people in the audience raise their hands, and say, yes, they are afraid.
“They gotta get past that. Otherwise we are headed for something in this country that we do not want to deal with between the races.”
James Harris – WTMJ Milwaukee
Harris spoke in response to a black mob that looted a convenience store, then beat up 10 to 15 white people at a nearby Fourth of July party:
“This was not a color-blind crime. We have this epidemic of black teenage mob violence happening all over the country.
“It is from a perfect storm of entitlements, political correctness and white guilt where people are afraid to identify who are doing the crimes and why they are doing it.
Abdul Hakim-Shabazz
Writing in Indiana Barrister, attorney Abdul Hakim-Shabazz is out of patience with people who have too much patience for black pathology:
“It’s time for some tough love in this town. There is a criminal element in this town that consists primarily of young black men. The recent attacks on the Monon; the perpetrators were young black men.
“The ‘Pop It Off Boys’ gang, young black men. The most high ridden crime areas of the city, who are the bad guys? Say it with me: They are usually young black men.
“During a 2009 speech commemorating Black History Month, U.S Attorney General Eric Holder took America to task for its inability ‘to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us.’
“While other African-Americans applauded Attorney General Holder’s interpretation of national affairs, I found it extremely hypocritical to expect a national, interracial dialogue when we (African-Americans) refuse to dialogue or even acknowledge the destructive subculture residing within our race!
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2012/08/black-commentators-sound-off-on-racial-violence/#ztwjHZbzaIiBX5ev.99
fatuous1 is MARK TRAINA an outspoken Civil Rights Activist from South Louisiana.

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