Saturday, February 23, 2013

John White the Louisiana Superientdent of Education at a Glance.

John White the Louisiana Superientdent of Education at a Glance.




John has certainly changed the way Louisiana Educators do Business. Some might argue that Mr. White may have damaged the State of Education in Louisiana to an unrecoverable degree. Since John White took over the Department of Education, thousands of Louisiana’s Lifelong Educators have lost their Tenure, their Retirement Benefits, their Jobs, their Homes and their Personal Security.


There are People throughout the State of Louisiana who might even argue that those are all good things! However, to a Life-Long Educator like myself, Mr. White seems to have gotten everything “ACT BACKWARDS”!


Mr. John White and School Board Members all around the Great State of Louisiana want to blame Teachers, School Administrators and School District for poor performing schools. The reality of the situation is we have poor performing Parents, poor performing Communities and poor performing Judicial Systems. Here are Statistical Fact that are “DIRECTLY” correlated to School Performance, or lack thereof.


FACT: The Average American IQ =100 


FACT: The Average American High School Graduate has an IQ of 100  


FACT: The Average American High School Dropout has an IQ that falls below 90


FACT: The Average India American IQ =119 – This Group is taking over our Medical and Law Schools


FACT: The Average Asian/Muslim American IQ =114 – This Group is significantly over-represented in our very best Colleges and Universities


FACT: The Average White American IQ =119 – This Group struggling to keep up with their Indian, Muslims and Asians counterparts


FACT: The Average Hispanic American IQ = 92 – This Group is struggling to keep up with their White Counterparts


FACT: The Average Black American IQ = 83 – This Group is floundering to say the very least



FACT: Black IQ’s and Standardized Achievement Test Scores haven’t risen or fallen to any kind of significant degree over the past 30-years.


FACT: During the past 30-years White Americans have exited large crime ridden urban communities, not just in the State of Louisiana, but across our entire Nation.


FACT: During the past 30-years Black Families have become significantly more impoverished, disintegrated and dysfunctional.


FACT: As more and more Whites moved out of the inner-cities, more and more Drug Dealers, Prostitutes, and Hardened Criminals moved in.


FACT: Big Cities across the State of Louisiana, as well as, throughout the United States have gone Bankrupt; sadly, most have collapsed under their own weight.


FACT: “You can’t make Chicken Salad out of Chicken $HYYYYT”!


In essence, all Mr. White has accomplished over the past 4-years, is to shift the problem around. He hasn’t really solved any of the Educational Ills of the State. His Policy of closing poor performing schools, shifting Teachers and School Administrators around, as well as, his personal Goal of establishing more and more Charter Schools to take-over poorer performing schools, has actually accomplished little more than making it significantly more difficult to track Student Achievement and School Success.




1)       The only way to bring up Black IQ’s is through inter-racial-breeding and by inter-racial-breeding and I don’t mean “Rape” or any kind of Forced and/or Coerced Inter-Breeding.


2)       Inter-Racial-Breeding over time will lead to a Nation of smarter People and better Athletes.


3)      Inter-Racial-Breeding will lead to a kinder, gentler nation.


EXAMPLES: Barack Obama and Tiger Woods!


Fatuous1 is a Certified School Psychologist and a Civil Rights Activist from Southeast Louisiana.





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