Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT needs to step up LEGISTRATION on the legalization of suppressors to prevent hearing loss. Millions of U.S. would benefit from this legislation. Using a suppressor can indeed help protect your ears, especially in a home defense situation. Here are a couple of reasons why suppressors are beneficial: Tactical Advantage: Suppressors reduce recoil and muzzle flash, which can be crucial in a home defense scenario. The reduced recoil improves shot accuracy, allowing you to get back on target faster for follow-up shots if needed. Additionally, the muzzle flash reduction ensures clear vision, especially in low-light conditions1. Save Your Ears: Shooting a gun indoors is loud, even with a suppressor. However, using a suppressor significantly lowers the decibel level, making it safer for your ears. In a high-stress situation, every second counts, and having a suppressor attached to your firearm eliminates the need to grab separate hearing protection1. Remember that even with a suppressor, shooting can still be loud, so it’s essential to take precautions. Hearing protection is advisable, but suppressors do help reduce the risk of hearing damage. Suppressors are extremely over-priced and a background check and a $200 fee to own one is ridiculous, expensive, invasive and unnecessary. Stay safe! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of WHITE PEOPLE always puts U.S. FIRST

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