Sunday, June 9, 2024

The totally corrupt AMERICAN MAINSTREAM MEDIA, the ANTI-WHITE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION and the SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW SINNERS wants all of U.S. to believe the NAACP are the GOOD GUYS and the NAAWP are the BAD GUYS! When nothing could possibly be farther from the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH. There are two sides to every story, so why promote one side of the narrative and demonized the other side of the narrative. It's actually ok, and a personal responsibility and a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to PROMOTE, DEFEND and CHERISH one's RACE! As PRESIDENT of the NAAWP, I am often portrayed as a RACIST, a BIGOT and a WHITE SUPREMACIST when in fact I am simply a RED-BLOODED AMERICAN CITIZEN who just happens to be proud of my ethic heritage and my skin color! "STICKS AND STONES MAY BRAKE MY BONES, BUT NAMES WILL NEVER HURT ME!" SILLY RABBITS! FACT: "You'll never end racial inequalities simply by institutionalizing fatuous racially diversionist geo-political policies!' Written by MARK ANTHONY TRAINA - SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST - ECONOMIST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of WHITE PEOPLE

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