Saturday, June 8, 2024

AG MERRICK GARLAND along with 50-SPIES obstructed JUSTICE and continuously LIED to U.S. about the VALIDITY of HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOP FROM HELL! Here are the names of the 50 intel officials who signed a letter saying Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation." None of these officials had a single piece of raw intel indicating it was disinformation. They made it up to help Biden. Jim Clapper Former Director of National Intelligence Mike Hayden Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency Leon Panetta Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency Thomas Finger Former Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis Rick Ledgett Former Deputy Director, National Security Agency John McLaughlin Former Acting Director, Central Intelligence Agency Michael Morell Former Acting Director, Central Intelligence Agency Mike Vickers Former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Doug Wise Former Deputy Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Nick Rasmussen Former Director, National Counterterrorism Center Russ Travers Former Acting Director, National Counterterrorism Center Andy Liepman Former Deputy Director, National Counterterrorism Center John Moseman Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency Larry Pfeiffer Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency Jeremy Bash Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency Rodney Snyder Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency Glenn Gerstell Former General Counsel, National Security Agency David B. Buckley Former Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency Nada Bakos Former Analyst and Targeting Officer, Central Intelligence Agency Patty Brandmaler Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency James B. Bruce Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of WHITE PEOPLE

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