Monday, February 17, 2025


ROSSI .243 SINGLE SHOT HEAVY BARREL RIFLE REVIEW (02-17-2025) The Rossi .243 Single Shot Rifles are designed for simplicity, accuracy, and practicality, making them ideal for training new shooters and various hunting applications.This rifle is designed for three purposes and those purposes are reliability, accuracy and durability. The .243 round (4000 FPS) is extremely fast, much faster than a .223/556 round (3240 FPS) and much more deadly. The .243 is a much bigger round than a .223/556 round. Unlike the .223/556 round, the .243 is legal to hunt big game with a .243 in most states. Another important thing that makes the ROSSI .243 SINGLE SHOT HEAVY BARREL RIFFLE very popular is the price point. If you purchase this rifle directly from the ROSSI CORPORATION on-line you'll be looking at a price point of exactly $152 plus tax and shipping fees, which is basically a steal. This rifle comes with a picatinny rail and if you really want to splurge go on AMAZON and purchase a MONSTRUM 5X PRISM SCOPE for about $80 and you'll be all set. Ready for the range, ready for the hunt, but not ready for HOME DEFENSE. Single shot rifles, shotguns and pistols are not designed for HOME DEFENSE!

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