Monday, March 18, 2024

"WHITE FRIGHT is the PRECUSOR to WHITE FLIGHT" (TRAINAISM) Bullying and “Bullycide” national data and statistics. by MARK TRAINA Aug 6, 2012 Approximately, 160,000 U.S. public school students miss school every day out of fear of being bullied. Many types of bullying occurring in schools today did not exist when we as parents and teachers were growing up. Students got threatened, teased and bounced around a bit, but this new type of bullying that I am talking about is occurring in “Cyberspace!” Cyberbullying is becoming more and more rampant in schools across America. Social networking has provided an entirely new environment for bullying to take place. According to bullying statistics coming out of the White House, in 2010, there were approximately 2.7 million students involved in cyberbullying activities either as the perpetrator or as the victim. Strangely, studies have actually shown that being a victim of cyberbullying can actually lead to the victims themselves becoming cyberbullies as a means of retaliation. In fact, revenge for bullying is one of the strongest motivations for school shootings, according to recent bullying statistics. Approximately, sixty percent of all students felt that the number one reason students shoot at one another at school is because they have been victims of physical violence in their home, communities and/or at school. Interestingly, a number of studies have also suggested that many students act out violently on their peers, teachers, school administrators and school staff personnel because they are abused at home. FACT: Over half of all public school students have witnessed a bullying crime take place while at school. FACT: Approximately fifteen percent of all students who do not show up for school report it to be out of fear of being bullied while at school. FACT: Over seventy percent of all public school students report bullying as an on-going problem.

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