Friday, March 1, 2024

School Psychologist Mark Anthony Traina, has complied enough scientific evidence on human intelligence and human attributes to suggest that there are as many breeds of humans as there are breeds of other animals including dogs, horses, cats, cattle, sheep, etc...! Traina has had difficulty getting much of his data published not because what he is proposing is untrue, but rather because it's not politically correct. Traina suggests that when it comes to reality many of us use cognitive dissonance simply to separate ourselves from the truth, or to keep from hurting anyone's feelings by suggesting that certain inadequacies exist amongst all of us in one way or another. We are not all tall enough or agile enough to play in the NBA, fast enough to win any awards on the track, or strong enough to become a world class weightlifter. Very few of us will ever appear on Jeopardy, be a member of Mensa Society, become a physician or rocket scientist. The smartest people in the world today come from India, Asia and the Middle East. Anyone who does not believe this must either have really lived an active, healthy and honest lifestyle or has not been to see a doctor or a lawyer in the last 25 to 30-years. The lowest human intelligence scores ever recorded have been found in central Africa, specifically the Congo area where the average IQ has been estimated to fall within the mild to moderately disabled range. So, no "WE ARE NOT ALL CREATED EQUALLY"! ... and anyone who denies this well-known fact only needs to put John Holmes name in GOOGLE and search under images! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of WHITE PEOPLE

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