Thursday, August 6, 2015

Psychopath Farrakhan is calling for 10,000 black volunteers to kill whites

Psychopath Farrakhan is calling for 10,000 black volunteers to kill whites


Farrakhan whom by
many is considered to be the “Black Hitler”, In a sermon reminiscent of
the hateful bigoted rhetoric of the Islamic State preacher, the Nation of
Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, now 82, said in Miami the time has come for 10,000
black volunteers to murder white Americans.


In the Nazi like
rally at the mostly all black Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church,
Farrakhan screams like a man possessed by Satan and said he was
looking for “10,000 in the midst of the million … 10,000 fearless men who say
death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny” to retaliate against white
Americans because of their alleged oppression of black people.


Farrakhan said the
Islamic Qu’ran calls for retaliation when “slaves” are oppressed.


“Retaliation is a
prescription from Allah to calm the breath of those whose children have
been slain. So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs,
then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and
let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling,” Farrakhan said.

Death is sweeter than to
continue to live and bury our children while white folks give the killer
hamburgers,” Farrakhan said, referencing the arrest of Dylann Storm Roof, who
killed nine black church members at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal
Church in Charleston, S.C., June 17.

“Death is sweeter than
watching us slaughter each other to the joy of a 400 year old enemy. Death is
sweet. The Quran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter.”


The content of
Farrakhan’s sermon was published at his website Final Call,
 frigthing to see a room full of haters clapping and in support of
 Farrakhan and is sick speech of hate, reminiscent of the days of Adolph


NAAWP is offering a $10,000 REWARD for a single volunteer to


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