Sunday, April 20, 2014

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda | Southern Poverty Law Center

GOD says that it is an ABOMINATION for a MAN to LAY with a MAN and that works for U.S.!




Has the SPLC infiltrated the COMMON CORE EDUCATIONAL






IMPRACTICAL? Continue reading and find out!



Harm is a relative term. What might be considered harmful
to one person might not to another. There are different kinds of harm:
physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, etc. Therefore, harm is a personal
thing that is experienced and is a bit subjective. So, when we ask how gay
marriage harms anyone, we have to look at more than just one aspect. Marriage
has been universally acknowledged throughout history as a legal contract
between a man and a woman in which there is emotional and sexual fidelity,
along with childrearing. But homosexual marriage would change this. Since
marriage is also a moral issue, redefining marriage is redefining morals.
Furthermore, marriage is an extremely wide-spread practice within any society
and has many legal and moral issues attached to it. So, when marriage is
redefined, the society is dramatically affected. Legalizing gay marriage means
changing the laws of the land. The ramifications are vast and we are seeing the
effects of homosexual legal "rights" affecting housing, education,
the work place, medicine, the armed forces, adoption, religion, etc. Are all
the changes good? That is hotly debated. But we have to ask, is it morally
right to force all of society to adopt the morals of a minority? (See
Statistics on the percentage of the population that are homosexual and lesbian)
So, how would gay marriage harm anyone? First, let's define harm. Harm is
damage to a person physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially,
morally, etc. The definition is obviously broad and subjective, and this is
problematic. People experience harm in different ways. Here is a list of ways
in which gay marriage can bring harm. It can bring huge financial and emotional
stress. Homosexuals can sue people who are exercising their religious beliefs.
For example, a heterosexual married couple with children who do not want to
rent a room in their own family household to homosexuals could be sued for
discrimination based on "sexual orientation." This can incur
significant financial and emotional stress upon the family, not to mention the
"prior restraint" effect of the fear of being sued which results in a
family not renting out a room. The health risks are enormous to themselves and
others. The fact is that homosexuals do not live as long as heterosexuals due
to the health risks associated with the lifestyle, and billions of dollars are
spent annually in health care for them. See Statistics on HIV/AIDS and health
related issues But the HIV/AIDS epidemic is not only in the homosexual
community. It has crossed over to the heterosexual community. Whether or not
you want to say that HIV/AIDS is a homosexual disease, the fact is that it is
highly prevalent among the gay and lesbian community due to their great number
of sex partners. The collateral damage to the rest of society, as far as health
risks, cannot be denied. Gay Marriage means having the morals of the minority
forced upon the majority. This can also be said in the reverse. Either way,
there is a problem. Normally, morals should not be forced on anyone, though
there are exceptions. We force morals on others by preventing them from
stealing, raping, murdering, etc. So, it is not automatically wrong to force
morals on someone. But the issue then becomes what is morally right and wrong
in the first place, and altering morals in a society definitely causes stress.
The percentage of homosexuals in society is less than 5%, yet it is being
forced upon the other 95% of society in movies, TV, literature, and political
periods. See Statistics on the percentage of the population that are homosexual
and lesbian. Gay Marriage means a redefinition of sexual morality, and with it
other sexually related practices will be affected and this can be harmful. See
the article Collateral damage effect as a result the change in sexual morals
for a discussion on the increase in pedophilia, pornography, child pornography,
prostitution, and sex trafficking that are occurring in the world. These
increases are not due to an increase in conservative sexual morals, but a
reduction of conservative sexual morals. Gay Marriage reduces the number of
children born in society and we need a stable population base to operate
properly. Therefore, society can be harmed. Gay Marriage affects people
spiritually. Don't assume that people's spiritual beliefs are irrelevant. People
consider spiritual issues to be extremely important, and the stress imposed on
religious people by forcing them to "accept" and/or support
homosexual practice and/or intimidate them into silence harms a person's
spiritual and emotional health. It forces government to get involved in
changing laws which automatically affect everyone in society. Homosexuality is
being force fed to our youth via the education system. Civil unions are being
recognized by employers which effect co-workers, money payouts, work time, etc.
It exposes adopted children within potential homosexual unions to ridicule from
others. Questions If a parent objects to a school teaching pro-homosexuality
and pulls his child out of school, and because of it is ridiculed and/or
jailed, is he harmed? If a self-employed business owner with strong religious
convictions refuses to offer his services to homosexuals and he is sued and
goes bankrupt, is he harmed? Examples of such businesses where a person should
be free to refuse services could be things like wedding photographers,
masseuses, tutoring, etc. If a Catholic orphanage is forced to shut down
because it is against its religious moral code to turn children over to
homosexual couples, is someone hurt? If a public school teacher voices his
disapproval of homosexuality on Facebook on his own time, away from work, in
his own home, on his own computer, and is fired from his teaching position, is
he harmed? If a group of pro-homosexual activists (Act-UP) disrupt the worship
service of a Christian congregation by throwing condoms at the pastor, is the
congregation harmed? If Christians are forced into silence because of fear of
legal, social, and financial retribution, are they harmed? When morally
conservative people who disapprove of homosexuality are labeled as "moral
dinosaurs," "bigots," "hate mongers," "right wing
fanatics," "preachers of hatred," "intolerant," are
they harmed?



SUPERMAN is ALIVE and his earthly name is "MATT



COMPLAIN about the SPLC's LGBT AGENDA, but it would be extremely IGNORANT not
to COMPLAIN before it's tooOOOO LATE!



thanks MATT SLICK for proving to U.S. once again that GOD'S NOT DEAD!



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