Wednesday, June 5, 2024

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN is a LIAR previously saying that he had no control over our NATION'S BORDER POLICIES! "BIDEN'S 2024 RE-ELECTION SCAM" According to the NAAWP, President Joe Biden has been in office for 3-years and 4-months and 7.2 million illegal aliens have entered the United States of America and totally wrecked our nation's economy along with our nation's national security, Biden has finally closed our border with the simple stroke of a pen! This is an obvious political stunt just like pretending to pay off student loans being used by President Biden to get re-elected in November of this year. If re-elected, you can be certain that Scammer Joe will reopen our borders and reinstate student loan debt the day after he wins the next election! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of WHITE PEOPLE always puts U.S. FIRST

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