Monday, June 10, 2024

"ONCE AN ADDICT ALWAYS AN ADDICT" (MADD) HUNTER'S DEFENSE makes about as much sense as the DRUNK/DRUG ADDICT that crashed his vehicle into a SCHOOL BUS full of STUDENTS. Just because the DRUNK/DRUG ADDICT hasn't had a drink or used illegal drugs over the past 2 or 3-days and has been in and out of rehab a dozen-times he doesn't consider his self to be an ALCOHOLIC/DRUG ADDICT! HUNTER BIDEN has been an ALCOHOLIC and a DRUG ADDICT for the past 3-DECADES and has caused lots of SADNESS and GRIEF for all of his FAMILY MEMBERS, WIVES, FRIENDS and BUSINESS PARTNERS! HUNTER NIDEN has LIED, CHEATED and MANIPULATED everyone in his LIFE and now he is trying to LIE, CHEAT and MANIPULTE U.S. with all of his CRAZY BULLSHYT! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of WHITE PEOPLE

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