Sunday, June 2, 2024

NAAWP WHITE FLIGHT CONTIBUTING FACTORS: 06-02-2024 Many High-Crime Cities in the US You Should Avoid, in particular, all of the so-called SANCTUARY CITIES in AMERICA have turned into URBAN WAR ZONES! iN 2024, FORTUNE 500 CORPORATIONS are now abandoning these CITIES and TOWNS in DROVES! "WHITE FRIGHT is the PRECUSOR to WHITE FLIGHT" (TRAINAISM) In the vast tapestry of American urban life, each city holds its unique allure, drawing tourists with promises of unforgettable experiences, rich history, and vibrant culture. Yet, beneath the surface of these magnetic attractions lies a more complex reality—a surge in crime rates that poses challenges to unwary travelers. This guide isn’t meant to deter you but to arm you with knowledge, ensuring your adventures in these cities are safe, informed, and as enriching as they are intended to be. According to the NAAWP, ILLEGAL DRUGS, GANGS, SANCTUARY CITIES, FATUOUS WOKE POLITICAL POLICIES, DEFUNDING POLICE, NO BAIL RELEASE, EMPTYING PRISONS, RECORD VIOLENT CRIME LEVELS, FAILING PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND PUBLIC CORRUPTION HAVE CONTRIBUTEDTO MASSIVE WHITE FLIGHT GOING ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE ORIGIONAL FATUOUS WOKE POLICY WHICH OCURRED IN THE LATE 1950'S AND WAS IMPLEMENTED IN THE EARLY 1960'S, NAMELY, THE INTRODUCTION OF FORCED-PUBLIC SCHOOL INTEGRATION! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of WHITE PEOPLE

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