Friday, June 7, 2024

According to the NAAWP, the verbiage on the federal Gun Purchase Questionnaire clearly asks two questions that Hunter Biden lied about. 1) Are you a Drug Addict? FACT: Hunter Biden is an Alcoholic and a Drug Addict and will always be an Alcoholic and a Drug Addict! 2) Have you ever been hospitalized for any type of mental health problems? FACT: Hunter Biden has been in and out of alcohol and drug rehabilitation hospital setting his entire adult life! 3) After purchasing the gun Hunter told his family members and friends that he was going to use the gun to commit suicide! FACT: This is clearly an indication that Hunter Biden was either on drugs, detoxing or having a mental breakdown! 4) Hunter Biden claims that he did not understand the verbiage on the Federal Gun Registration Questionnaire! FACT: Hunter Biden is a Lawyer, a Legal Scholar and the Smartest Man his father and our President has ever met so we all know that that is total bologna! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of WHITE PEOPLE always puts U.S. FIRST!

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