Friday, May 24, 2024

According to both the WSJ and the NAAWP PRESIDENT is spending our hard-earned TAX DOLLARS to BRIBE STUDENTS, the NAACP, the ACLU, the SPLC, the ACLU and too many other FAR LEFT ANTI-AMERICAN ORGANIZATIONS to list to remain in the WHITEHOUSE for 4-more years. JOE is desperate and knows that over 70% of U.S. are struggling financially to keep a roof over our heads, shoes on our feet and the WOLF away from our front door. Absolutely, none of his 2020 CAMPAIGN PROMISES have been fulfilled. BIDEN has definitely not brought INTEGRETY back to the WHITEHOUSE, but rather PUBLIC CORRUPTION, WOKE POLITICAL POLICES, FUNDING TWO FOREIGN WARS, RECORD INFLATION, RECORD NUMBER of FORCLOSURES, RECORD RACIAL DISCORD, RECORD CRIME LEVELS, RECORD NATIONAL DEBT, RECORD NUMBER of BUSINESS BANKRUPSIES and FORECLOSURES and TOTAL CHAOS! The WSJ is 100% correct in stating that DESPERATE JOE BIDEN is using the U.S. Treasury the way a 1920s party boss would use the safe behind his desk. WALLSTREET JOURNAL in conjunction with the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF WHITE PEOPLE

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